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Car Servicing & Repair
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Exceptional polyurethane bushes
Google Reviews
amazing and fast service. was having trouble with my bmw for months that even bmw couldn't even diagnose but took it to cardoctor and it...
Josh Allard
The experience I had with Jason and the team there was unbelievable. I cannot speak any higher of them they fitted a new clutch in...
Tom Griffin
Jason and the team at Cardoctor are fantastic. Couldn't recommend them highly enough. I've been using them for the past two years on two different...
Had some challenging issues with my car, I found the ‘Car Doctor’ brilliant and didn’t give up trying to solve the issues, Jason and the...
Mark Harris
I've been a customer of Car Doctor for more than ten years. The service that Jason and his team provide has always been excellent. I've...
- Opening Hours:
Tues-Fri: 8am-5pm
Mondays and Saturdays by appointment only—call for details!
- Address
Unit 4 Block 4,
Quin Road Business Park,
Ennis, Co. Clare,
V95 PK20 - Phone
Call us on 065 684 3410